Wednesday, 24 March 2010

"the sound was deafening"


  1. I like your watercolours on what looks like parchment paper. Effective combination.

  2. Thanks Barry.
    PaulC: thanks for becoming a follower. Glad you enjoy the drawings (done on Arches watercolour paper 140 lb hot press). I do them very early in the morning (around 5:30 a.m.!). They are a kind of meditation and I try to do one every day! I use watercolour and other media in a somewhat spontaneous yet focused way. Glad you enjoy them (the titles are also part of the process...)

  3. These are really wonderful. I keep on scrolling back, saying just one more, one more and on I go,

  4. Thanks ArtPropelled! I keep saying the same thing to myself every morning: just one more!
    Thanks for taking the time to look at these small cards.
