Monday 23 January 2023

"speaking in tongues (2)"



  1. Hey, I'm a huge fan of your work. I have followed your blog for many years and each post has such a unique personality and frames a very distinct time that it was collaged. I think it's incredible that you've remained on the grind of making new art so often throughout the years. I tried to search a little bit on Instagram but haven't found a profile on there. Do you post anywhere besides on Blogger? Let me know (if you see this)! Would love to continue support you not only here but anywhere else you decide to share your work. Lots of love. Peace!

  2. Hello Steve. Thanks for your kind words.
    You can see my work on my Instagram account: michel_lefebvre2221
    It's easier to leave a comment there I think!
    Hope you get this message and see you on Insta if that works for you!
